Senin, 14 Juli 2014

Cara Memperbaiki Power Adapter LCD Monitor

Masih seputar memperbaiki monitor lcd Komputer kali ini ulasan mengenai cara memperbaiki Power Adapter LCD Monitor akn menjadi artikel yang masih terkait dengan permasalahan kerusakan yang terjadi pada Monitor LCD. Silahkan dibaca dgn teliti agar ngga terjadi kekeliruan sampai Engkau dapat memahaminya dgn baik.
Cara memperbaiki power adapter Monitor LCD

Perbaikan listrik Monitor LCD lebih gampang dari pada memonitor catu daya CRT. Hal ini karna monitor LCD lebih kecil serta kompak serta biasanya cuma memiliki satu output yang 12 volt serta berkisar dari 2 ampere hingga 4 ampere. Beberapa monitor dirancang memiliki 18 & 24 volt. Ketika ini kebanyakan catu daya LCD terintegrasi pada Mainboard seperti pada LCD Dell E151FP.

Salah satu cara yg dapat diterapkan ialah dengan menggunakan bola lampu (24 volt) serta hubungkan ke output power pack jack. Jika cahaya terang (bahkan sebuah film) maka paket daya oke. Jika berkedip atau redup maka power pack mempunyai masalah. Mengapa harus menggunakan metode bola lampu utk menguji ? Jika ada komponen yg korsleting atau bocor di Mainboard LCD Monitor, maka akn mempengaruhi kinerja power supply juga.

Dari beberapa kasus sebelumnya sebagian besar masalah power supply LCD apakah dalam catu daya tersendiri atau dibangun include dengan Mainboard, merupakan karena kegagalan kapasitor elektrolit (kemungkinan karena panas), pada bagian primer dan sekunder.

Sebagian besar kapasitor memilki LED tinggi yg menyebabkan pasokan listrik utk menghasilkan output yang rendah. Nilai khas elektrolit kapasitor disisi primer merupakan 47 & 100 mikro farad 50 Volt serta sisi sekunder merupakan 1000-2200 mikro farad 25 Volt.

Kadang-kadang Engkau dapat melihat casing bagian atas kapasitor menjadi menonojol serta lengan yg menutupi casing kapasitor berubah menjadi warna gelap seperti kecoklatan. Bagian catu daya dibeberapa monitor LCD masih menggunakan lebar pulsa modulasi (PWM) IC UC3842. Jenis IC ini cukup tidak susah ditemukan di pasar dibangdingkan dengan beberapa IC daya yang sangat sulit utk didapatkan.

Salah satu kasus yg dijadikan contoh bagaimana cara memperbaiki Power Adapter Monitor LCD yang diangkat atau tulis pada ebook cara memperbaiki Monitor LCD oleh Bpk Agus Sale merupakan Sharp LCD LL-T15G2 Power Adapter. Anda akn dipandu dengan sangat detail karena setiap uraian akan dilengkapi dengan gambar (image) sebagai pendukung. Untuk mendapatkan ebook ini silahkan engkau kunjungi pada web site resminya

sumber ::

Selasa, 08 Juli 2014


The Great Father
Father: “I have a bride for you, marry her”
Son: “No, I want to choose my own bride”
Father: “But this girl is very special, she was the daughter of bill gates”
Son: “Well… in this case I would say yes.”

Furthermore, the father approaches Bill Gates.

Father: “I have a husband for your daughter”
Bill Gates: “But my daughter is too young to be married!”
Dad: “This young man is a vice-president of the world bank”
Bill Gates: “Hmmm, in this case I will say ok”

Finally, the father goes to see the president of the World Bank.

Father: “I have a young man to be the vice president of the World Bank”
President: “But I do not need a vice president!”
Father: “But he is the son bill gates”
President: “Really? In this case I would say OK”
A Headache Woman

A woman got headaches for several days, so he decided to go to the doctor. The doctor then asked a question to her. “How old are you?” asked the doctor.

Hmmm, “I do not remember Doc, but I’ll try to think” After thinking within one minute, she finally answered and said, “Yes, I remember now, when I got married, I was eighteen years old, and my husband was thirty. Now, my husband sixty. Sixty is equal with two times of thirty. So, my age is two multiplied by eighteen. That is thirty six years old.”

Mr. Knott and Mr. Watt

Mr.Knott is a lecturer at a university. One day, he was very tired and went home with the aches in all of his body. When he arrived home, his phone rang and he picked it up right away.

Hallo, who’s there?
What is your name?
I asked!! What’s your name?!!
Watt is my name. Are you john?
No, I knott
Could you tell your name?
Will Knott

Both men are hung up and talking “What a rude man!”
 The bomb

There are three passengers and one pilot on a plane. The first man said, “I have a bottle, what should I do?” The pilot replied, “Throw out”. The second man also had a bottle and the pilot told him to throw out. The third person was very different, he said, “I have a bomb, what should I do?” The pilot told him to throw out.

When the plane landed, the pilot and three passengers found a man who was crying. When asked, he replied “My head is injured because the bottle that thrown by someone”. Then, they met a woman who was crying. When they asked, the woman told the same reason.

Several minutes later, they met a man who laughed uproariously. When asked, the man replied “I was fart and suddenly the existing building behind me was exploded”.